Looking Different? Looking Good!
Have you noticed recent changes to the UltraBoard logo and branding? Awesome! We like getting noticed! As part of our current rebranding we wanted to provide a quick reference guide to point out minor changes in logos and foam product naming conventions. Our simple branding reference chart can be downloaded and printed for handy reference to insure that you are getting the same brand of UltraBoard you have come to know & love.
The Main Differences
Ultra Board is now UltraBoard Classic
To maintain brand consistency between products, all of our foam boards are now referred to as UltraBoard. Now, stay with me, if all of our products are called UltraBoards we then needed to differentiate our original UltraBoard product known to the signage industry for 30 years– arriving at the Name UltraBoard Classic. The Classic naming convention also applies to our UltraBoard Peel N’ Stick product as well.
Ultra White DP is now White DP
We simplified the UltraBoard White DP product line by removing the “Ultra”, to avoid the word duplication and having it sound Ultra-Ultra-ish.
Ultra Aluminum Face is now UltraBoard Aluminum
For simplicity’s sake we removed the word “Face”, from our UltraBoard Aluminum as most of our product line names already refer to the facer material.
The Colors Are Different
Several of our product logos utilized the same color and we wanted to provide clear visual differentiation between items.
Not Ultra, Not Ultra Board, but UltraBoard
The UltraBoard brand name should be written as one word, no space. The single-word naming convention creates specificity for our brand and promotes recognition of our brand by search engines and social media channels.