Wow, Almost 2 Years Ago…
Wednesday, December 4, 2019, we experienced a massive fire located at the rear of our Bentonville, Arkansas, manufacturing facility. The fire was a scary event and our entire plant and associates remained safe due to the fast-acting diligence of our local emergency service departments and plant management teams.
Luckily, the fire didn’t spread to our facility interior and UltraBoard stock; allowing us to continue shipment of UltraBoard products to our distributors within the week.

Getting a New Look
Once our engineers completed the tedious task of assembling our new towers our marketing and design team quickly got to work on creating a really creative 3d flag design and an impressive UltraBoard logo that can be seen for miles.

We were excited to recently complete the finishing touches by branding our new silos with US manufacturing pride via an optically engaging American flag, and a massive stories-high UltraBoard logo.
Props to Our Local Signshop
We want to thank our local sign company Best Sign Group of Rogers, Arkansas, for the great job they did with the wraps and enduring the windy days!